Hydrostatic (Once every 5 Years) | $45 |
Visual Inspection (Once a Year) Includes visual inspection, tank valve O-ring, tank neck O-ring & Air Fill | $20 |
Tank & Regulator 02 Cleaning (Done at Blue Stone) | $30 |
Air Fills (Per Tank) Please present certification card for all air & enriched air fills | $7 |
Enriched Air Fills (Filled at Blue Stone / Allow 24 hours for fill) | $16 |
Normally your gear will be ready within 2 weeks. If special parts need to be ordered it could cause a delay.
Have you waited till the last minute? RUSH ORDERS additional $50
Replacement Batteries | $7 - $27 |
Labor | $16 |
Shop Fee (Charged for all Services | $2 |
You will receive a Service Report when you pick up and pay for your gear service.
The report will contain:
Intermediate Pressure
Working Pressure
Comments and suggestions about gear
When your gear is ready for pick up we will contact you either by phone or email, depending on your preference.
Once we have contacted you that your gear is ready you have 30 days to pick it up. After 30 days you will incur a "Storage Fee" of $10 per week per, set of gear.
Not responsible for gear left after 30 days and gear left longer than 90 days will be sold to offset our costs
Regulator Service $35 Per Stage Most regulators have 3 stages Total Labor | $105 |
Regulator Cleaning Fee Done when regulators show signs of corrosion from saltwater | $40 |
All service work performed on BCD, regulators, tanks etc | $2 |
Regulator Pre-Dive Check $20 Per Stage / 3 stages | $60 |
Spare Air Service & Repair Does not include parts for regulator | $50 |
If your BCD has an Air 2 or the like, make sure to bring it in for servicing
We offer a 1 year warranty on our gear service
Issues such as "Free Flowing" or other breathing problems
will be adjusted at no cost to you
Regulators need to be serviced at least every 2 years
Must have purchased from an Authorized Dealer & have serviced regulator under manufacturer requirements
Must register with manufacturer
Internet Dealer are not "Authorized Dealers"
Regulators purchased from other authorized dealer must have a receipt as proof of purchase
Regulators need to be serviced at least every 2 years
High- & low-pressure hoses inspection, calibration and possible replacement
O-ring inspection and possible replacement
All internal parts (looking for damage and corrosion)
All Parts replaced per manufactures specifications
If it looks bad the Technician will replace/fix it
This will be an additional charge and not part of your regulator warranty
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