ERDI trains departments on how to make and maintain PSD teams and is the only public safety dive training agency that has its own insurance and endorses its own standards. In fact, some of the largest, most successful, and renown public safety departments use ERDI Programs to conduct training.


ERDI is a Public Safety Diving (PSD) agency that trains police, fire, and other public safety organizations in search and rescue techniques that apply to almost any submerged environment.

EDRI Instructors Mike McNeil & Doug Leary

(336) 760-9226

This first level Emergency Response Diving Course is designed to give the certified open water diver, or open water certified public safety diver, the fundamental skills needed to safely function as part of an OSHA and NFPA compliant public safety dive team in both the diver and tender roles.

All ERDI programs are both Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA compliant). Many of the ERDI programs can be taught at several levels in accordance with NFPA guidelines. The level of participation in the practical portion of the course will determine the final level of certification. The classification levels are: Awareness, Operations, and Technician. All ERDI programs are available to public safety professionals regardless of their position within a department.

The ERD II Course furthers the public safety diver’s knowledge and advances skill sets for emergency response diving. The ERD II Course will examine lifting techniques, encapsulation, a victim’s death, as well as, physiological changes a submerged body undergoes, mechanics of drowning, handling of remains, environmental issues, full face mask and dry suit use.

The ERD Tender Course trains team personnel to properly line tend and participate within the public safety dive team in a non-diving roll. The ERD Tender role is so critical to the success of the mission and the team, some teams utilize their most experienced diver to fulfill the role.